Sunday, July 16, 2006

My late father's advice

My late father came from India in the early 30s. Life was quite difficult that time. To support two families (one in India and the other, my mother , in Sarawak) my late father had to do two jobs. During day time he's a bread seller and at night he worked as a watchman.

Father wanted to see that we have proper education. One day, back from cutting grass for our cattle, father told me this.
"My son, I'm not rich. I won't be able to leave anything of value to you and your brothers/sisters. I could only give you this."
Father passed to me a box of pencils. With a box of pencil father wanted me to change my life. Until today, that piece of advice is still fresh in my mind. The advice will be passed on to my children and grand children...That's something to ponder..

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